Investment Management

A wide range of services where you can choose your level of involvement in managing your investments. You can take all the investment decisions yourself and simply give us your instructions, you can access our expert advice for your portfolio or entrust the decisions to your dedicated investment managers.

As an independent investment manager, not tied to any funds, products or large institutions, we offer you transparency and flexibility to ensure that your objectives are met efficiently and successfully.

Important information

Target audience
This website is intended for use only by investors who are resident in the UK and by financial advisers only. In particular, this website is not for use by residents of the United States of America, or other US persons (as defined in the Securities Act 1933).

Company and regulatory information
Walker Crips Group plc
Registered office: 128 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BJ
Registered in England and Wales, number 1432059.

VAT number: GB 791460025

Unless otherwise indicated, information on this website is provided by Walker Crips Group plc or one of its subsidiary companies. Walker Crips Group plc, incorporates the following companies:

Walker Crips Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), reference number 226344 and is a member of the London Stock Exchange.  Walker Crips Investment Management Ltd offers investment services, products and advice to its clients. Walker Crips Investment Management Ltd offers restricted advice, as defined by the FCA, which means that it does not consider the full range of investment products that are available to retail clients but focuses on stock market, stock market based investments, bond markets, collective investment schemes and other similar products. If an investment solution is appropriate then one of Walker Crips Investment Management Ltd’s own investment services will be recommended.

Walker Crips Structured Investments is a trading name of Walker Crips Investment Management Limited.

Registered Head Office: 128 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BJ
Registered in England and Wales, number: 4774117

Walker Crips Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA, reference number 114778. Walker Crips Financial Planning Ltd provides focused independent financial advice to retail clients. It is unconstrained from any product provider; so can help retail clients find the most suitable financial product from a sufficiently diversified range.

Registered Head Office: Apollo House, Eboracum Way, York, England, YO31 7RE
Registered in England and Wales, number 3790291

Barker Poland Asset Management is authorised and regulated by the FCA, reference number 499311. Barker Poland Asset Management LLP provides financial planning and investment management services to its clients. Advice provided by Barker Poland Asset Management is defined as ‘restricted’ by the FCA which means that, if it recommends a discretionary investment solution, it will be from one of Barker Poland Asset Management’s own investment model portfolios.  If it is appropriate for Barker Poland Asset Management LLP to advise on pensions or other products, it will recommend products chosen from providers that it has selected based on cost, quality of service and financial strength.

Registered office: 128 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BJ.
Registered in England and Wales, number OC341149.

Ebor Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA, reference number 462002. Ebor Trustees Ltd offers specialist SIPP and SSAS products and trustee services. Ebor Trustees Ltd does not offer advice or investment management services.

Walker Crips Pensions is a trading name of Ebor Trustees Limited.

Registered Head Office: Apollo House, Eboracum Way, York, England, YO31 7RE
Registered in England and Wales, number: 3514268

Risk Warnings
The value of any investment and the income arising from it is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise, so that you may not get back the amount you originally invested.

The pages on this site have been prepared by Walker Crips Group for the general interest of readers and those who might have an interest in its services. It is not intended to be a definitive analysis of equity or other markets and nothing on this website constitutes an offer or advice to undertake a transaction in a particular share or other security. Professional advice should be obtained before any course of action is pursued.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than they originally invested. In the case of higher volatility investments, these may be subject to large or sudden falls in value. Any estimates and prospective figures quoted are forecasts and cannot be guaranteed.

Walker Crips Investment Management Limited does not provide tax advice and you should seek specialist advice regarding your personal tax situation and the consequences any investment decisions may have on your personal circumstances.  Walker Crips Financial Planning Limited and Barker Poland Asset Management LLP may provide tax advice in conjunction with a financial planning exercise. Tax advice is not regulated by the FCA.

Any tax figures and legislation quoted are correct as at the date of publication but are subject to change and will be dependent on an individual’s circumstances.

Investment services offered by Walker Crips Group may include bespoke or modelled investment portfolio services. Where a model portfolio is being followed, the performance of any individual portfolio may differ from the model portfolio due to timing differences in implementing investment decisions, the impact of annual management charges, trading taxes, individual restrictions and taxation constraints. The asset allocations indicated may vary marginally depending on prevailing market conditions.

Bespoke and modelled portfolios may include individual investments in structured products, foreign currencies, and funds (including funds not regulated by the FCA) which may individually have a relatively high risk profile. They may specifically include hedge funds, property funds, private equity funds and other funds which may have limited liquidity. Fluctuations in the rate of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of non-sterling denominated investments. Walker Crips Group plc, its associates, employees and/or clients may own or have a position in any securities referred to on this website or may have provided advice or investment services in relation to any such security.

How to complain
We aim to provide complete client satisfaction however we also recognise that there are times when things go wrong or you feel we have fallen short of our usual standards and would like to complain. If this happens to you, please contact your usual contact at Walker Crips in the first instance and they will try to assist you. However, if you are unhappy with their response, please contact the Compliance department on the details below:

Walker Crips Investment Management and its branches
Telephone: 020 3100 8000

Walker Crips Financial Planning & EBOR Trustees
Telephone: 01904 544 300

Barker Poland Asset Management
Telephone: 020 3100 8000

We will acknowledge your complaint promptly upon receipt so that you know we have received it. Your complaint will be investigated by someone who was not directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint and, once we have fully investigated your complaint, we will write to you with our final response.

If we are unable to respond to your complaint within eight weeks or you are not satisfied with our response you can refer your complaint, free of charge, to the Financial Ombudsman Service. More information about the service can be found on their website at

Further details can be found in our Complaints policy and complaints handling procedures.

In the unlikely event that we or our insurers cannot meet a liability of ours to you, you may be able to claim compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). In general, if you are a private individual you will be eligible to make a claim to the FSCS. If you are a business (in particular a small business) or a charity you may be able to make a claim to the FSCS depending on the type of claim. In respect of investments, an eligible investor is currently entitled to claim up to £85,000. For further information about the FSCS (including amounts covered and eligibility to claim) please contact us or see the FSCS website at or telephone the FSCS on 020 7741 4100 or 0800 678 1100.

While Walker Crips Group plc has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate at the time of issue, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions or for the information becoming out of date.

External links and software
This site may contain links to and from third parties. We do not accept any responsibility for information contained within such third party sites. The information and services offered within these third party sites have been produced by companies independent of Walker Crips Group. These companies may not be authorised nor regulated by the FCA. Any information, views or opinions obtained from these sites, via links from the Walker Crips website, are solely those of the relevant provider and not necessarily shared by Walker Crips Group. Reference to or any reliance on information provided by external websites shall be entirely at your own risk. Please also note that any software downloaded is at your own risk.

Walker Crips Group plc does not warrant the suitability of any such software and accepts no liability for any problems which may occur with your computer as a result.

Copyright 2025, Walker Crips Group plc. All rights reserved. Copyright in the pages of this site, in the screens displaying the pages and in the information and material contained therein and their arrangement, is owned by Walker Crips Group plc, unless otherwise indicated. Reproduction of these pages in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Walker Crips Group plc is strictly prohibited unless for private, non-commercial viewing purposes.

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