Investment Management

A wide range of services where you can choose your level of involvement in managing your investments. You can take all the investment decisions yourself and simply give us your instructions, you can access our expert advice for your portfolio or entrust the decisions to your dedicated investment managers.

As an independent investment manager, not tied to any funds, products or large institutions, we offer you transparency and flexibility to ensure that your objectives are met efficiently and successfully.

Matured products

Browse our matured products to see how they have performed in the past
Click on the product titles below to reveal further information.
8Y UK Equal Weight Defensive Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Annual Growth Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Annual Kick-out Plan (UK)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Annual Step Down Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Defensive Annual Growth Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Defensive Dual Index Plan (UK and Europe)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Defensive Dual Index Plan (UK and US)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Defensive Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Dual Index Plan (UK and Europe)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Dual Index Plan (UK and US)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Europe Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Europe Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Fixed Income Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
FTSE Deposit Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
FTSE Growth Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
FTSE Income Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Semi-Annual 90% Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Semi-Annual Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Semi-Annual Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Semi-Annual Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK & Europe)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Stepped Growth Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
Super Defensive Dual Index Plan
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Triple Index Plan
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UK & Europe 95% Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & Europe Conditional Income Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & Europe Defensive Kick-out Plan (SG)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & Europe Defensive Kick-out Plan (UK3)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & Europe Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & Europe Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK3)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & US Conditional Income Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK & US Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 7Y Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 8Y Defensive Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 90% Annual Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 90% Kick-out Plan (MS)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 95% Annual Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK 95% Kick-out Plan (MS)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe 90% Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Kick-out Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Semi-Annual Defensive Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Semi-Annual Defensive Kick-out Plan 75% Final
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Semi-Annual Step Down Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Target Income Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and Europe Target Income Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and US Defensive Step Down Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and US Fixed Income Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and US Semi-Annual Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and US Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK and US Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Best Entry Growth Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Conditional Income Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Defensive Annual Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Defensive Growth Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Defensive Kick-out Plan (UK3)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Equal Weight Defensive Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Equal Weight Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Equal Weight Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Growth Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (90% version)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (SG)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (Societe Generale)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (UK Gilts)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Kick-out Plan (UK3)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan (SG)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan (Societe Generale)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK Gilts)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Step Down Kick-out Plan (UK3)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
UK Target Income Plan (UK Four)
Product Name Plan Summary Start Date End Date Price
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